Craps Rules Place Bets

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This post is necessary for the Real Craps Game video that will come this Thursday.

A few people have asked about more high stakes videos. Well, this Thursday, I will be posting a high stakes craps game that involves put bets. At first, I was going to do another high stakes video involving pass line+odds or come+odds. When it comes to high stakes bets, I refuse to give up too much advantage to the house. The problem with the RoadGambler method of play is that I’ve already done it three times on video; it was time for something new.

At the same time, as few people on various Facebook groups were asking about put bets. That’s where I hatched the idea of a put bet video.

Place bets could be made at any time during the game and offer fast action. In fact, when played online, such bets require no waiting time. In addition, a great advantage is the fact that the bet could be made or taken down whenever the player wants, which is why it is called a “standing” bet.

With Craps, the only Player who must place a bet prior to the first roll of the game is the Shooter (or person who wants to roll the dice). To become eligible to become a Shooter, place a bet on the Pass Line or Don't Pass Bar. The rules are generally the same from one casino to another except for the odds permitted online bets and whether the Field pays double or triple on 12. Playing Craps at Online Casinos If you are ready to start playing craps but are not currently in Las Vegas, we can show you some of the Top Rated Online Casinos where you can start playing.

It is time to put out another high stakes game while also answering the question of, ‘what is a put bet?’

For the very short and simple explanation, skip to the very end.


A put bet is simply a pass + odds or come + odds combination where the player gives up the advantage of the come out roll. That’s all there is to it.

Here is a pic from the upcoming game. This is $5250 worth of put bets. Like I said, it’s going to be a high stakes game with yours truly playing it out for your entertainment.

For reference, the pass line or come bet portion of the bet is known as the ‘flat’ because it pays even money.

Here is a close up that breaks up and shows the flat and odds part of the bet…

With standard pass+odds and come+odds betting, the player has a 2 – 1 advantage on the flat bet on the come out roll. On a put bet, the player gives up this advantage.

Reasons why Players May Prefer Put Bets

Players typically prefer put bets (over pass+odds or come+odds) for the same reason players prefer place bets.

Some players hate to see numbers rolled and not be paid.

Also, with a put bet, the player can select which number to bet and ‘put’ that number. Players who believe in ‘trends’ value the ability to select the number as a great advantage.

With a come bet, the player does not select the number; rather the dice selects the number.


The following is the break even point for a put bet and place for each point is as follows..

  • Point of 6 or 8, 5x odds
  • Point of 5 or 9, 4x odds
  • Point of 4 and 10…
  • —If the commission is paid after the win, the player needs 19x
  • —If the commission is paid before the win, the the player needs only 6x odds

(source: Wizard of Odds)

Note that the above is only true if the player has his or her odds working 100% of the time. If the player does not work the odds 100% of the time, the multiplier is higher.

Here is what I mean by the ‘break even point’…

On a place bet of 6 or 8, a $30 win on either number pays $35

On a put bet of 6 or 8, a $30 win on either number also pays $35.

Both bets pay exactly the same amount.

On a put bet of 6 or 8, the $30 bet is broken down into $5+$25. In such a bet, the flat pays $5 and the odds pay $30, for a total of $35. Remember that for this break even point to be true, the odds must work 100% of the time.

Example of Why a Put Bet Can be Better than a Place Bet

Let’s say the point is 6.

  • —win will pay $70
  • Put bet of $60, which is broken into $5 + $55 (11x odds)
  • —the payout on a win will be $5 on the flat and $66 on the odds, for a total of $71

So on the same bet, the player wins an extra $1 for the same win-loss conditions as a place bet.

Craps Rules For Place Bets

Let’s use a higher multiplier than 11x. Let’s assume the player is a high roller and plays on a 100x max odds table.

  • —a win will pay $700
  • put bet of $600, which is broken into $10 + $590 (59x odds)
  • —the payout on a win will be $10 on the flat and $708 on the odds, for a total of $718

So on the same $600 bet, the player wins an extra $18 for the same win-loss conditions as a place bet.

Let’s do another example with another point.

Point of 5

  • —win will pay $140
  • put bet of $100, which is broken into $10 + $90 (9x odds)
  • —the payout on a win will be be $10 on the flat and $135 on the odds, for a total of $145

So on the same $100 bet, the player wins an extra $5 for the same win-loss conditions as a place bet.

Let’s use a higher multiplier for the same point of 5. Let’s assume the player is a high roller and plays on a 100x max odds table.

Point is 5

  • —win will pay $700
  • put bet for $500, which is broken into $10 + 490 (49x odds)
  • —the payout on a win will be $10 on the flat and $735 on the odds, for a total payout of $745

So on the same $500 bet, the player wins an extra $45 for the same win-loss conditions as a place bet. This means the player receives an extra $45 for doing nothing more than ‘knowing’.

This is another reason why 100x tables are so powerful. Many players argue that 100x odds games have no inherent advantage because, in the end, the 100x bettor and the $5 low roller will have the same, realized loss. But a 100x max odds table allows for players to ‘put’ higher odds, which results in winning extra money for doing nothing more than having knowledge.

Why It’s Important to Know the Break Even Multiplier

If you go below the break even multiplier, you are better off placing the number.

The following is an example of why…

Point is 5

  • —win will pay $42
  • put bet for $30, which is broken into $10 + $20 (2x odds)
  • —the payout on a win will be $10 on the flat and $30 on the odds, for a total payout of $40

So on the same $30 bet, the player loses $2 on the put bet because the multiplier was not high enough. That’s why it’s important to know the break even multiplier.

If you are in doubt, then go with this imperfect rule across the board: your odds must be at least 5x in the points of 5, 6, 8, and 9 and do not put the 4 and 10. It’s not a perfect rule, but it will prevent you from losing too much.


To play the put bet, tender your chips in the same way you would tender your chips for a place bet and say that you want to put the number.

The result of you saying ‘put’ is that the position and stacking of your chips should look like a come bet.

You can put multiple points. If you put multiple points, it would avoid confusion (and is polite to the dealer) to cut out your individual puts first. For example, if you’re placing 6 and 8, you can just tender $120 in one stack.

But if you put 6 and 8 for $50 each, cut your chips into two $50 stacks.

WARNING: if your bet is positioned and stacked like a place bet, then it’s a place bet. You will be shorted on the payout if you do not verify that it is a put and not a place bet. Just for reference, here is what your put bet positioning should look like…

To make sure, ask your friendly dealer, is that a ‘put bet or a place bet?’ I generally do not like yes or no questions in this case because the casino environment can be loud.


There are three major downsides to the put bet.

The first downside is that sometimes dealers are not familiar with put bets, and here can be confusion about what to do. You will see an example of this a couple of times in the put bet videos.

The second downside is that many casinos, where it would be advantageous to use put bets, do not allow put bets. That’s really the main problem with put bets. They’re hard to find.

The third problem is that put betting requires a rather stout bankroll to play for any period of time. Players on a limited bankroll – such as $100 – are not going to be able to use put bets, unless they want to have a very short stacked bankroll.


Reader Henry S. asked two great questions about the put bet that requires me to add this downside, especially if you’re the type of player who likes to move his or her place bet around.

The put bet is treated exactly like a pass+odds and come+odds combo. The player can call off or take down the odds portion of the bet, but the flat is a contract bet.

Similarly, if the player wishes to move their put bet number to another number, the player must pay for the flat portion of the new number. The ‘old’ number would then have a name flat bet with no odds, and the player would play it out as it it had no odds.


Without spoiling too much of what is to come in the videos, you will see this in action in Part 2. It will become very clear.


Betting In Craps Rules

I prefer pass and come bets to the put bet.

Mathematically, pass and come + odds are still a better play. For the players who absolutely insist on the place bet, if the casino allows put bets, and the player is playing high enough of a multiplier, there is little reason to not use the put bet.

Betting in craps rules


Put bets are simply the pass+odds or come+odds combination bet where the player foregoes the come out roll. The bet is paid exactly like how a pass+odds or come+odds would be paid.

The casino has the advantage on the flat bet portion of the put bet, but on the odds portion of the put bet, there is no house edge.

That’s it!

If you’re still confused, you will be able to watch actual putt bets in action this coming Thursday.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.

Posted in: Craps, Gambling

The pass line bet with odds is the best craps bet you can make because it has the lowest house edge. However, players can also wager on the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 at any time with a Place Bet. These numbers are sometimes referred to as “point numbers” or “box numbers,' and the wagers go in the big boxes shown on the layout. Place bets are very valuable when a shooter is rolling many numbers, as you'll get paid each time the number repeats.

Craps Rules Come Bet

How to Make Place Bets

To make a place bet you put your chips in front of you on the layout and tell the inside dealer which numbers you want to cover. The dealer will then move your chips to the numbered box you want to wager on. Place bets are not self-service bets.

The dealer keeps track of which bet belongs to which player by placing them strategically inside the box.

Craps rules for place bets

Winning Your Bet

After you place a number it must roll before a seven appears in order to win. When the shooter sevens-out, you lose all of your place bets. When you win a place bet the dealer will push you your winnings but the original bet stays where it is and keeps winning if the number keeps rolling.

Your original bet will stay on the place number until the shooter sevens out or until you ask the dealer to take your bet down. You can take down your place bets anytime you want to. If the shooter makes their point the place bet will be turned-off for the come-out roll. Want it to work (win or lose) on the come-out? You've got to tell the dealer before the shooter releases the dice!

The Pay Out

The true odds of rolling the numbers six and eight are 6 to 5 but a winning place bet on these numbers pays $7 to $6, so you must make your place bets on these numbers in multiples of six dollars. The house edge on the 6 and 8 is only 1.52 percent which makes it a very good bet.


The true odds of rolling a five or nine are 3 to 2 but a winning place bet on these numbers pays $7 to $, so you must make your place bets in multiples of five dollars. The house edge on the 5 and 9 is 4-percent.

The true odds of rolling the for or ten are 2 to 1 but a winning place bet on these numbers pays $9 to $5. These numbers require bets in multiples of five dollars. The house edge on the 4 and 10 is 6.67 percent.

Place Bets

Buy Bets

A Buy Bet is very similar to a place bet, but with slightly better odds for the player in the 4 and 10. When betting on a number with a buy bet you pay a 5 % commission to the house. Since the minimum chip value at the casino is a dollar you will be paying at least that much. It is not worth it to buy a number for less than $20.

If you are betting more than $10, buying the 4 and 10 is better than placing them. This is because you are being paid 2 to 1 instead of 9 to 5. Some casinos only charge you the commission on buy bets when you win. Ask the dealer at the table if this is their policy. If you have a choice of casinos to play in, always choose the one that only charges a commission on winning buy bets.

Buying the 6 and 8 is not worthwhile. You will actually have a higher house edge because of the commission.