How Do I Win At Roulette Every Time

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Let’s go one step further, and share a secret that the casino’s and professional gamblers alike don’t want you to know…… there is an easy way to win more by playing roulette, nothing random, just a simple mathematical formula, that is easy to implement, and I am going to share it with you for no cost at all.

The closest you can get to winning roulette every time his with a roulette computer. To win every time you play, you would need to play enough spins to overcome any temporary losses, from bad luck (variance). So you can still lose on individual spins, but quickly make back losses. There's no single guide to Internet roulette that winning Roulette players follow, but many of them follow a betting strategy to help them build their bankroll. Some strategies involve doubling your bet every time you lose and lowering it when you win. Others swear by the opposite by raising it when you win and lowering it when you lose.

Okay.. relax, open your mind a bit, and get ready to accept the obvious. This is not rocket science, in fact it’s not science at all, anyone who can use their computer keyboard and mouse can do this, and you can watch the winnings grow, and you will even be able to try it here for yourself. But before I take you there, just read the impact it has had with these people…

  • # 1 Charles B – May 04, 2016

I read this article and thought it was too good to be true, and then I began to play in demo mode! To my astonishment, (should I really have been astonished with the obvious?) it worked. I played around for the whole evening in demo, just to see when it would fail, but it didn’t, two or three times I had six of the same colour in a row, but here I won bigger because of the system. I signed up the next day and won more than four times my deposit in the first hour! Thank you for sharing this incredibly simple method, it’s great.

# 2 Elizabeth V. Walden – May 03, 2016

Hi. My name is Elizabeth. I am 24 and I live in Orleans in France , we don’t worry about this. LOL!

My friend showed me this site, because he had already done it, and I am so happy that he did. It only took a few minutes to read the site, and I could see clearly how the method works. I prefer to play for small stakes and this enables me to earn 35-50 euros per hour on average! That’s so much better than the minimum wage, and it has become a reliable way to supplement my income. There are always risks with this sort of thing, but I must say it really gets the adrenaline flowing knowing that. It would be so dull if every spin gave the right result!!! lol

Thank you to the creator of this site for sharing the trick!

More testaments will follow later…

So, time to reveal all…nearly.

But first, a question. I’m sure you seen it many, many times before, but please, just go with the flow.

How Do I Win At Roulette Every Time

Did you know that 40% of millionaires are using Internet to achieve their income and status? Of course you did.

You don’t want to know how they did it? Do you?

You really wouldn’t like to do the same? Of course not.

Bet you wouldn’t mind a tiny slice of it though? Of course you would, bien sûr!

Well, it is important for you to know that it really is much simpler than most people think to generate money online. ANYONE can do it. Even an ordinary person like you! Dare I call you ordinary? …

Picture this, all those young dudes driving brand new high performance cars, always wearing the latest designer gear, and holding the latest smartphone. They are not all sports or rock stars, inheritors, or drug dealers, a fair percentage may be successful business people, but a great deal of them will have also made, or be in the process of making, their income with the help of the internet… ( I say with the “help” of the internet because without it, these possibilities would be practically non-existent and inaccessible.)

The method that I am about to reveal below is a lawful strategy to make money online. Furthermore, this information is absolutely FREE.

This information is FREE because I have no need of your money, I am quite happy using the method below in order to help provide additional income to support my wife and two children, and although it would be wonderful to charge for it, I would rather empower others to be able to do the same as me and improve their lot. My friends think I am as daft as a brush for sharing it for nothing, but I reckon that sometimes it just pays to pass on good information.

Just share this page with your friends.

Right then, that’s enough waffle! Now for the procedure, step by step. Just read carefully and give this your full attention and all will become very clear. This is so easy to do, and it will only take 10 mniutes or so to sink in. Follow everything to the letter and I assure you that in ten minutes you be ready to thank me!

We could call this a trick, a system, a method, whatever you like to call it, it certainly works. It goes by the name of the Martingale strategy, and has been used for years by those already in the know.


Here we go….

FOLLOW ALL THE STEPS BELOW: This is imperative. Doesn’t work if you don’t.

  • 1 – Register at the casino. (If you don’t, you remain at start and do not pass go or collect £200 etc…!)

Start by creating a free account on the casino where you will earn money.

Warning! This method works best at this one Casino…. Royal Panda is one of the world’s best online casinos and especially the most secure. Register below:


Click to go straight to Royal Panda Online Casino

(Click “Join Now” and enter your details, all done in less than a minute)

  • This is IMPORTANT, and quite interesting: The casino also works on mobile and tablet, allowing us to play and in turn make money anywhere.

Good stuff. (I like to play this in my favourite bar whilst waiting for my friends to arrive.)

  • 2 – Train in PLAY FOR FUN mode (play money = no risk)

Once you have created an account on Royal Panda, you should start training immediately using the method below, in PLAY FOR FUN mode (ie with play money) without any risk, and see if you can use it properly. This will also be of use to any sceptical people out there who think that this method is too good to be true (Wholly understandable because I myself refused to believe it at first!). Once you are comfortable with how the system works, and in your own time, make a deposit into your Royal Panda account to start making “real money” and collect your winnings!

  • 3 – Switch to PLAY FOR REAL to gain “REAL” money

Once you are comfortable with how the system works, and in your own time, make a deposit into your Royal Panda account to start making “real money” and collect your winnings!

Make a deposit by clicking on the red “DEPOSIT” button at the top right of the webpage. (IMPORTANT: the ideal deposit with zero risk is 50 euros, read below). In addition there is a special bonus for the month that doubles your deposit, ie if you deposit € 50, you will have € 100 in your account.* Next, play using the method below as you have already done in demo mode. Don’t worry, there is no difference between the demo mode and real mode (except PLAYING FOR REAL means using REAL MONEY).

Why is a € 50 Deposit, the ideal amount?

Well…Before you decided to check that this method worked, I also conducted tests, an awful lot I have to say,which led to this conclusion: it takes 50 euros minimum to have a ZERO risk of loss. If you deposit less, you already play in to the casinos hands, your deposit will disappear very quickly. You need a certain level of deposit in order to play properly, and have a reserve to fall back on when your colour doesn’t come up on the first few spins. (this will become clear when you understand the method.) … in fact if you deposit more than € 50 your risk is less because of the way the method works. When anyone ever says “I didn’t make any money” what have they all got in common? They all deposited less than 50 euros …Eh voila!


Are you ready?

How To Win At Roulette Every Time

This could just change everything for you…

Do the following whilst playing on the PLAY FOR FUN mode on either European Roulette, or French Roulette (Hint: never, I mean NEVER, play American roulette, it has two greens on the wheel, and your chances are lower. The casino will not tell you this!)

The game is simple. We will only bet on BLACK or RED.

How do you win at roulette every time
  1. Place a small bet, for example, € 1, on RED, and spin the roulette. There are only two possible outcomes: RED win, or BLACK win. It’s 50:50

  2. If the ball lands on RED you win. Congratulations you have doubled your bet! (your € 1 has now become € 2 ) Well done, you can now move on to step 4. If the ball lands on the other colour, in this case BLACK, you must go to step 3.

  3. You must bet again on RED, but you have to double your bet, so this time you bet €2, and spin the wheel. If the RED wins this time, you have doubled your bet and won € 4, you can go to step 4. If It was BLACK, you have to stay with RED, bet again twice the amount of the previous turn ( € 4), and repeat this every turn until the RED wins, then move onto step 4.

  4. You start a new bet as in 2), but now, bet € 1 on BLACK (IMPORTANT: change colour every time you win). If the ball lands on BLACK you win. WELL DONE. If it landed on RED, you must follow step 3, but this time you stay on BLACK. When you lose, stay on that losing colour, doubling your bet until it wins, then change to the other colour, starting from € 1 again.

Some key points to think on…..

RED/BLACKis 50:50 and the payout is 1:1 so however much your bet was, you get your bet, plus the same again when you win…. i.e: € 50 will pay you € 100, that’s your € 50 bet and € 50 winnings. Clear?

– Choose a starting amount, then follow and stick with the system, stay focused. I choose to start with € 1, but if your wallet stretches further than a € 50 deposit you can bet higher on your first bet, just remember every losing bet has to be doubled in order to progress overall.

  • Tip: If you deposited € 50, your starting bet should be € 1. Deposited 100 €, your starting bet should be € 2. If you deposited 200 €, your starting bet should be € 5. If you really could afford to deposit 500 € (you have already used this system before!), your starting bet should be 10 €.

– When you lose, double your bet on the same colour until you win. (1 € 2 € 4 € 8 € 16 €)

– When you win, change colour and start with the initial bet (€ 1).

– If you follow the system perfectly you will see your deposit increase in value.

– Don’t be greedy! Stop playing when you win a maximum of 300 euros per day, this would help allay any suspicions from the casino. … it pays to be cautious, don’t give them any excuse!. There you go, 300 euros per day profit! Now…. if you follow these simple, simple rules, take a step back, and think how much you could gain, every single month. 300 x 30 = 9000

* Now, I am going to give you one more HUGE hint, ignore it at your peril!

Most casinos will insist on paying you a BONUS on your first deposit, and your second, and third, and fourth even. Thankfully Royal Panda don’t insist on this, and when you make a deposit you will have the option to take NO BONUS. Do exactly that. This will mean access to your winnings will be almost instantaneous. If you accept the deposit BONUS you will have a betting requirement to fulfill before you can access any winnings, this requirement can average out to 35 – 40 x the bonus amount paid to you. ie you get € 50 bonus on your € 50 deposit, you would have to bet 35 x 50 = 1750 worth of bets.

Easy, that’s it. Job done. Money in the bank. How much fun is this? Youpie! Thanks for the FREE information.

Hang on…. just before you go.

How, and why, does this work? (it is not obligatory to read, but its damn good to know.)

Well, the game is RED or BLACK. Effectively it could be HEADS or TAILS, EVEN or ODD, or LEFT or RIGHT. It is 50:50.

The Martingale Strategy is based on probability.

In RED or BLACK, if you bet RED in the first spin you have a 50:50 chance of being right, if it wins that’s perfect, if not..

…you choose RED again, because now you have a 25% chance of losing, and a 75% chance of winning, if it wins that’s perfect, if not…

…you choose RED again, because now you have only a 12.5% chance of losing, and 87.5% chance of winning, if it’s BLACK….

…you choose RED again, because now you have only a 6.25% chance of losing, and a 93.75% chance of winning…. so far that is 4 spins of the wheel. (This means that by only the 4th spin we already have a 93.75% chance of winning, which is enormous!)

How do i win at roulette every time in

If it’s BLACK again… DON’T PANIC….

…you choose RED again, because now you have only a 3.125% chance of losing, and a 96.875% chance of winning.. DON’T PANIC if it’s BLACK

…RED again! Because now you have only a 1.5625% chance of losing, and a massive 98.4375% chance of winning… and should it go all the way to 7 spins of the wheel because the naughty BLACK came in , then you know what to do….

Because now, the odds of losing are only 0.7813%, and your chance of winning a whopping 99.2187% in your favour.

  • I have to add that there has been the odd occasion, in the last three years or so that I have been playing this at Royal Panda, when it has got up to seven spins, but this is pretty rare. It doesn’t half get the adrenaline pumping for a few seconds though!

Don’t believe it? Test the system >PLAY FOR FUN, with PLAY MONEY.(You’ll never know if it works if you’ve not even tried it!)

But, what if it lands on green?


How Do I Win At Roulette Every Time Zone

  • Actually landing on green is less than a 1% chance, however it can occasionally knock the wind out of your sails, so to speak.

How To Win At American Roulette Every Time

This is my tactic for when it lands on GREEN….

  • I have been betting RED, three times it has landed BLACK, and now it’s on GREEN!

I don’t like it. Here I clear all my bets, prepare to take a small loss, and Spin without placing a bet. If it lands on BLACK, I go RED at my lowest bet and start the cycle again. If it lands on RED, I start again on BLACK.

How To Win At Roulette Every Time Free

Simple really. If I had three blacks, then a green, I have already lost 4 times, it could then throw in another 5 blacks after the green, meaning losing 9 in a row. (9 in a row, doubling bets each time, means losing € 256) Therefore, I find it a sensible option to lose small when the green has come in, than risk losing big later.


How To Win Roulette Every Time Gta 5

As promised…

  • Some more testimonials for you to peruse, if you are still here. If you are still here, you should be learning how to win yourself some money. But hey, Maybe you just like reading whilst procrastinating. If so, enjoy….

How Do I Win At Roulette Every Time Now

  1. Anonymous – May 7, 2016I never normall y comment, but I have to say that I have followed every stwp, and although I have only played small amount I am already up too 200 Euro in a little over two hours. Thank you.

  2. Jonathon Menzies – May 7, 2016 I always said there was a way to make money with online casinos, but I have never succeeded, until now! Thanks to you.

  3. Ray J – May 6 , 2016My friend showed me your site, I am so glad she did, not only is she winning, but I am too.

  4. Beatrice A – April 30 , 2016Wow, wow, and wow. If I had known this a twenty years ago, I would have been able to rip off the casino where I used to work. 😉

  5. James Jordan III – April 27 , 2016Howdy y’all. I gotta say this is the best darn thang I ever did see, and, HOT DOG; it darn well works too. Thank y’all kindly pardner!

I could add more and more, but if you are still reading, then this probably isn’t really for you.