Slot Aviation Definition

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Reagan National is routinely operating below 67 hourly takeoffs and landings ('slots')-the maximum number authorized in any one hour-mostly because general aviation or other unscheduled aircraft operations decreased substantially after new security restrictions were imposed following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Aviation Standards National Field Office, Oklahoma City AVN. Meter Fix Crossing Time/Slot Time MHA Minimum Holding Altitude MHz Megahertz MIA Minimum IFR Altitudes.

Automatic Slat
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Slats are aerodynamic surfaces on the leading edge of the wings of fixed-wing aircraft which, when deployed, allow the wing to operate at a higher angle of attack.


slat Auxiliary curved or mini-aerofoil surface designed to prevent flow breakaway from a wing or tail. On a tail leading-edge it may be fixed, leaving a narrow slot.

A movable auxiliary airfoil on the leading edge of a wing. The slat extends into the flow of air and creates a gap that allows air to flow smoothly over the top of the wing, delaying the stall at high angles of attack.

~ - Auxiliary airfoil surface, mounted forward of a main airfoil, to maintain a smooth airflow over the main airfoil at high angles of attack.
SLOT - The gap between the ~ and leading-edge of the main airfoil, which splits the airflow and maintains a smooth flow over the main airfoil upper surface.

Some ~/slot systems also have the effect of increasing wing area thus reducing W/S and stall speed.

Slot aviation definition meaning

Movable ~
Filed Under: AviationTagged With: FAAPilot's Handbook
Movement area ...

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Figure 4 - Fixed Leading Edge ~Lift vs. Drag
But there is a simple solution: The amount of drag increase created by the slot depends on the amount of air going through the slot in the whole range of flight. In take-off and landing configurations we want maximum lift, and in cruise we want minimum drag.

This is a small wing like device installed ahead of the wing leading edge so that the air can flow in between the ~ and wing (slot) at high angles of attack. Nowadays you will find automatically retractable ~s as the fixed type creates a lot of drag at higher speeds.

See also: What is the meaning of Aviation, Pilot, Speed, Aircraft, Landing?Slot Aviation Definition

Slot Aviation Definition

Slot Aviation Definition

Slot Aviation Definition Science

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